Long before the introduction of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides, nature provided almost everything that plants needed to prosper. Most pesticide and fertilizer use in Westchester County is for the upkeep and maintenance of our lawns and landscape plants. Westchester sits between two very large watersheds:, Long Island Sound and the Hudson River. Where you live in the county determines which watershed your property contributes to. If we want to make an impact on improving these watersheds, we must start to care for our lawns and plants with as little pesticide and synthetic fertilizer use as possible.
Several years ago we began testing the effectiveness of compost tea and other natural additives to replace synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. We now have a program we can offer to you for your home. Our program works extremely well on all turf, trees and shrubs. It bioremediates your propertys soil over time by breaking down unused fertilizers and pesticides to harmless useable carbon that plants use for energy conversion. This program can give you the peace of mind that you are doing your part to help clean up our local environments.
These organic alternatives improve the overall health of the soil by increasing the number of beneficial micro-organisms the soil can sustain, which translates into healthier grass and plants. Over time the soils your lawn and plants grow in have been pickled with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides which essentially act as salts. These micro-organisms will use the old fertilizers and pesticides as a food source and actually reverse the pickling process to make the soil capable of sustaining plant growth with little or no fertilizer or pesticide use.
If you are interested in our extracted organic compost program please give us a call.
Manor Tree Co. Inc.
Member TCIA

West. Cty. License # WC-09434-H98